
FEICOM at the heart of the organisation of Jeicom23

The Special Councils Support Fund for Mutual Assistance will be present at the second edition of the Councils International Economic Forum. This will be an appropriate opportunity for the bank of councils to present to municipal authorities, local development stakeholders, investors and investment funds the innovative mechanisms and programmes that it develops for the benefit of local authorities. As a leading strategic partner of municipalities in Cameroon, Feicom is involved in the organisation of this event. An important meeting was held to this effect this Friday, April 14, 2023 at the head office of FEICOM with its General Manager. Appointment is therefore made for the Yaounde Conference Centre from 1st to 3rd June 2023.


Cameroon Customs presents its key performance indicators to Jeicom23

Cameroon Customs has been performing exceptionally well for several years. It has largely exceeded its objectives over the last three years. That is 108.9% in 2020, 105.9% in 2021 and 103.9% in 2022.
In 2023, the General Directorate of Customs has set itself the challenge of mobilising CFAF 1004.7 billion. To achieve this, it has introduced a culture of results based on better use of data and indicators.
These performances were achieved thanks to the commitment of customs officers whose deployment in the field has allowed “numerous seizures of fraudulent, contraband and counterfeit goods, as well as goods that are dangerous to security. In addition to the fiscal aspect, customs also distinguished itself in terms of safety and security through its actions in the fight against trade and illegal trafficking of goods.
The Councils International Economic Forum, organised from 1st to 3rd June 2023 at the Yaounde Conference Centre, will be an opportunity for this institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, to present its performance tools.

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